Replying to LO23704 --
Doc, good morning and greetings for the New Millennium:
You said (replying to Jan Lelie's LO23702) --
"I really think you've uncovered something with your understanding of how
models are useful only when the people you're using them with agree with
your perspective and definitions. My thoughts on this are:
1) models are like roadmaps...they help guide us (the co-learning group,
which includes the "expert" and the client) through a process of
developing capacity for change.
2) dialog (or meaningful conversation) is an excellent way by which groups
can generate their own model or definitions (which have more meaning for
them than mine do) to provide them with the capacity to generate and
sustain significant change."
To add to your point, I hope we consider creating and implementing
"models" with the inherent characteristics of "meaningful conversation".
By that I mean developing modeling frameworks that permit sharing of
individual points of view without undue compromise, that build and sustain
the trust Jan speaks of. The benefit -- a series of road maps that
travelers along the path for change can refer and compare to their own
"maps", leading to better choices along the way. The traveler also has a
good chance to gain an appreciation for the opinions of fellow travelers
who may be referring to some yet unforeseen or unexpected events along the
Best Regards,
Terry Priebe
Decision Support Associates
--"Terry Priebe" <>
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