2000 A.K. RICE National Group Relations Conference LO23727

From: Marc Kessler (m_kessle@dewey.uvm.edu)
Date: 01/06/00

The A.K. Rice Institute has announced its 2000 National Conference

"Understanding and Consulting to Systems in Challenging Times: A Working
Conference on Authorization Role Effectiveness, and the Boundary Region"

To be held at The Cenacle Retreat Center in Chicago Ill. from June 3-11,

Director Charla Hayden, M.A.

For more information please contact
Anne-Marie H. Kirkpatrick
Associate Director for Pre-Conference Administration
P.O. Box 1776 Jupiter, FL 33468-1776

(561) 744-1350 or FAX (561) 744-5998
or e-mail: akriceinst@aol.com

A copy of the Brochure is at the AKRICE Web Site



Marc Kessler m_kessle@dewey.uvm.edu

Slowmail: University of Vermont Department of Psychology Dewey Hall Burlington,Vermont 05405-0134 = PHONE (802) 656-2680 FAX (802) 656-8783

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