LO colleagues --
I'm forwarding to you a message announcing the start-up in Chicago of a
new learning cohort of an already established M.A. program in Whole
Systems Design (WSD) and Organization Systems Renewal (OSR):
> It's a new millennium and a new opportunity for you to achieve excellence
> as a designer and leader of change in your professional and personal
> life -- it's called Whole Systems Design and Whole Person Learning. This
> knowledge changes the way people think and act in their work and life.
> The Antioch University WSD/OSR degree program has more than 15 years of
> success with individuals from Boeing, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Weyerhauser,
> and other organizations. Recognized for its innovative design and integrated
> learning community approach, the WSD/OSR graduate program helps
> develop these competencies:
> * Designing processes and structures for leading,
> communicating, and managing change;
> * Applying creative inquiry and innovative
> leadership that build learning organizations;
> * Understanding the system dynamics that
> connect the seemingly separate challenges
> at personal, societal, business, governmental
> and ecological levels;
> * Integrating mind, body, spirit and professional
> practice to help individuals, groups, organizations,
> and communities facilitate transformation and renewal.
> This two-year M.A. Degree program has these unique features:
> * monthly weekend sessions in downtown Chicago;
> * diverse learning community with professionals
> from business, government, and nonprofit organizations;
> * distinguished resource faculty have included Meg
> Wheatley, Fritjof Capra, Marv Weisbord, Peter Vaill,
> Jean McLendon, and other prominent organizational
> leaders.
> We hope you will consider joining our learning community cohort for
> 2000-2001. Members who participate gain an M.A. degree from Antioch
> University and new understanding and skills for the 21st century.
> Visit our website, containing curriculum, schedule, and other FAQs at:
> http://www.simulationsforbusiness.com/osr_midwest/welcome_letter.html
> Antioch University Whole Systems Design and Organization Systems Renewal
> is a partnership between Antioch University and OSR Midwest, Inc., a not-
> for-profit educational organization.
> For information or to apply, contact:
> BJ Chakiris, President
> OSR Midwest Inc.
> One East Wacker Drive, Suite 2204
> Chicago, IL 60601-1904
> (312) 527-0183
> E-mail: <bj@osrmidwest.com>
--Jim Ulrich, PhD <JimUlrich@aol.com> Manager, Executive and Organizational Development Tellabs, Inc. <http://www.tellabs.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>
"Learning-org" and the format of our message identifiers (LO1234, etc.) are trademarks of Richard Karash.