Replying to LO23694 --
Dear Bruno, dear LO'ers,
Bruno and I had some further private dialogue on the subject of rhythm in
communication. But this is like two drum players echoing their rhythms,
while the whole orchestra is unaware of these sounds and is patiently
waiting for the moment that they could play their rhythmic chords.
Bruno made a very good connection between attraction/rejection and
order/chaos. Yes, this is the point. Order attracts, chaos or disorder
rejects. And the motion between order/attractor and chaos/rejector could
meander in a rhythm. Maybe we even go further and link this idea to what
At de Lange has told us about entropy production. Entropy production leads
a system to the edge of chaos after which either an emergence, or an
immergence will occur. An emergence is an ordering proces on a higher
level, whereas an immergence is a greater level of disorder. We could make
therefore the next thinking step: entropy production creates either an
attractor, or a rejector. But since entropy production itself was caused
by the flow between an attractor and a rejector (on a lower level), the
whole system will display a fractal landscape of focal and dispersal
points. This will cause a rhythm by itself. Thus movement will generate a
rhythm, if we like it or not. The rhythm of the wind blowing though the
woods, the rhythm of a meandering river, or the rhythm of traffic jam that
crystallizes on one side and dissolves on the other.
A second thought of Bruno was the total order, or total chaos/movement
thought experience. Total order on one side without any movement, and thus
without any rhythm. Total movement with the absence of pauses, which too,
will not show any rhythm.
Fortunately, both extremes cannot exist. A total order means also a total
stand still, all matter concentrated and ordered, and thus a temperature
of absolute minimum (zero Kelvin). We know from astrophysics that such
black holes do exist, but there is no universal-wide black hole. Why? If
all matter is concentrated, all energy of the universe is concentrated in
one point (E=mc^2). The thing will explode. Thus the total attractor is
changed in a total rejector, this will be a very Big Bang (no rhythm J).
However I enter a field of science which is for me and for most of us
unknown. But from the Law of energy conservation (LEC) and the second law
of thermodynamics - law of entropy production (LEP), we must conclude that
both, total order, or total chaos cannot exist.
And that is why we see and hear all around us the rhythm of a living
universe, and that is a happy experience. There is enough free energy to
travel a rhythmic journey.
This message became somewhat weird. I am sure that for some of you it acts
as a great rejector, possibly for others there is some attraction in it.
Sensors will registrate the generated rhythm.
dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.
--Leo Minnigh <>
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