Replying to LO23645 --
>How could I use the concept of entropy to help me in my
>interventions, given the fact that I don't have a situation where
>there is either the time or the inclination of the group to listen to a
>theory first, than agreeing with it, than changing their behaviour
>because they now agree with the theory.
>I guess I would feel we could get a step further, if someone could
>describe some possible actions and how using concept of
>entropy they arrived to them.
Dear Max,
I am just back and suffer from a huge pile of post. But I see a chance to
make the answer brief, so I will.
I don't think that your task is to change the groups behaviour by means of
getting them to listen and agree to a new theory. In fact, the group don't
need to understand any more of entropy production as any little flower
Regarding dynamics, I would recommend Robert Fritz Corporate Tides.
Structural tension as described illustrate quite well (in my opinion) what
entropic force flux pairs feel like in organiztions.
Regarding form - I think best is to leave the assessment of form to
intuition. It will tell you whether you are progressing too fast or too
slow. I think it are especially all kinds of illusions about the current
reality with respect to a given target or vision which impair the ability
to perform the journey - and to arrive strengthened and vitalized to go
for new and more challenging horizons. (This may be the advantage of the
little flower: it is very well grounded on it's current reality.) You may
or may not use the seven essentialities as a checklist for diagnostics.
Finally regarding the required free energy, which is linked to the
intuitive notion, whether 'it can be done': If you feel, that it can not
yet be done, more free energy has to be built up. In practice you need to
look for the sources of tiredness, or unefficient hectic. The cure are any
activities of the five sustainers of creativity. If you perceive
resistance here this is also a nice guide to impaired essentialities.
Does this help a step further?
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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