Our community college is going through some major changes in the areas of
strategic planning, managing by data, and supporting workers as learners.
We could use some assistance in two areas. If you feel these questions
are inappropriate for list discussion, please send your replies directly
to me via my e-mail address below.
1. Are there grant dollars available to an educational institution who
wants to fund work in the area of organizational development that will
improve Human Resources Information System designs to better support
strategic human resource and performance management systems?
2. Are you aware of any instruments that would assess performance at the
administrative level? Particularly instruments that would tie in Vision
and Mission of an organization to administrative performance. Copies of
instruments would be valuable to us and may be sent to the address below.
Thank you for your consideration.
-- Mark P. Champion Information Analyst Institutional Research & Planning Grand Rapids Community College Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Voice: 616.234.4048 FAX: 616.234.3929 Mchampio@grcc.cc.mi.usThe good is often the enemy of the best. Unknown
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