Replying to LO23761 --
I'm not sure that I understand what you ment by "Learning with the Body",
and from the example you gave I have the impression that it's what is more
known as "generalization" - from observations on a set of 6 (or 8)
elements, and an operation (addition/rotation), we GENERALIZE (and
formalize) an abstract set with N elements and an operation.
If this is what you ment - learning by experience - than I'm afraid, we
are dealing with a too much complicated SETS with a quite large set of
We all seem mainly interested in human behaviour (I found that it is a
common issues in most subjects of the LO group), and I seriously doubt if
generalization can help us out with the challenges of our times.
Much has been done in this deductive direction (of generalizing human
behaviour at the working place) - the bookshelves are full with blueprints
generalizations worked for a while, but few had the right impact on the
long run. This can be one of the reasons of the growing interest in the
Fifth Discipline and the concept of Learning Organizations, isn't it?
Indeed, I believe that "The Fifth Discipline" is by nature "Learning with
the Body" - an ongoing, cyclic, proccess of self scrutiny (observation -
generalization). But still, very little can be generalized from what goes
on in one place (SET) to what will happen in another.
Judy Tal
--Judy Meisels Tal <>
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