Dear Everybody,I am Shirley.
I just mined on the web to find some more articles about OL and come
across this discussion list. Firstly,I'd like to introduce myself. I am a
master student majored in Management Science and Engineering in Tsinghua
University. My undergraduate study is about IT and currently,my master
thesis is about OL. It seems that OL has been less discussed recently in
developed country,while in China-my country-OL is still a very new and
unfamiliar management concept.
I find that this discussion list covers a lot of interest topics not
limited in OL,such as our world view and emotion.
Because of my background of Engineering,I am particularly interest in how
to put OL into practice. Seems topics about Knowledge Management are more
suitable to my personality because KM seems more care of technology and
quantity method. I mean KM lacks uncertainty. While on the other hand,OL
is more care of human being. Sometimes I hate problem relating human
beings because they are full of uncertainty and made my research more
difficult.Maybe I should change my method of thinking.
However,I still hope focus on kind of quantity method in my thesis.I hope
there are sb in this list can recommend some articles to me about the
following issues,or discuss them with me,or give me advise on what new
aspects of OL deserve research.
1,the method to assess the extent to which an Organization learn.(e.g.
learning history, but I hope more detailed and quantity method)
2,the method to train an organization's learning(e.g.some method mentioned
in Senge's book)
3,IT's support on OL, and case about OL's implementation.
I have linked to some famous website of OL,such as the one on, and the ones on Stanford and MIT. My tutor just visited
Sloan MIT and brought me some interesting materials. I will learning them
ASAP and come back soon.
Thank you for your patient hearing and sorry for my immature thought .
see you
[Host's Note: Welcome, Shirley! ..Rick]
--"shirley ma" <>
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