Intro -- Anand Upadhyay LO23784

From: Anand Upadhyay (
Date: 01/19/00

Hi everyone!

Its great to learn about this organisation. To briefly introduce myself;
I am an India born Kiwi, back in India now. I have completed my Masters
in Business from Massey University ( My thesis was on Learning
Organisations) and am working in the area of Human Resource Development.
I have just started a Training & Dev. Consultancy named Xperentia -
derived from the experiential learning methodology we use in all our
programs. Prior to this, I was the Country Head - Human Resources for DHL
Worldwide Express in India.

I wonder if any of you can help me get in touch with Mark Feenstra /
Philip Gander of the ' Win Win Group' in Auckland. They were involved with
the NZ Centre for Organisational Learning.

I hope to contribute regularly to the group through dialogue. Look forward
to hearing from all of you at some point.

Warm regards,

Anand Upadhyay.


Anand Upadhyay <>

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