Replying to LO23787 --
Such beauty and grace of thought from Andrew. thank you, thank you.
As a gift in return, I humbly offer these words of Rumi from eight centuries
ago--you two were apparently Friends:
Tambourine Feet
When you are not with me, I sometimes
resemble a fish put live in the skillet,
writhing its little cooking time left,
or the empty eyes of graffiti faces, or
a house with no one home. Other times,
my love for your soul spreads out over
the city like music. Quadrant to quadrant
the jeweled tambourine feet move, palace
to ghetto. The cultured, the craftsman,
the slave, all begin to hum and sing this.
Thank you, Andrew, for breaking this bread with us.
-- Barry Mallis, Manager - Training and Development MARKEM Corporation | email: voice: 603 357-4255 ext. 2578 | FAX: 603 352-0525Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
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