Rythmn in Communication LO23820

From: Philip Pogson (ppogson@uts.edu.au)
Date: 01/24/00

Replying to LO23812

Bruno wrote:

"This last weeks I have been here with you discussing in this lovely
space, I've learned many things. But I suddenly feel like I don't know a

To which Winfried replied:

"Great! In such a state lies a hidden Golden Opportunity: The next time
you write: WRITE! Let your hand decide what to write."

Dear Winfried, what wonderful and wise advice!

I have been reading Bill Isaacs book on Dialogue and his very deep
reflections have assisted me in my discovering the power of just being and
allowing the universe to unfold.

When I was about 17, 23 years ago, I met an artist living in the country
area of Australia where I grew up. He told me how his aim was to be so at
one with the world around him that he could hear the sap rise in the
trees. I was young and all-knowing enough to think that this was a stupid

However, yesterday I sat in the bush in the beautiful Blue Montains behind
Sydney and I almost did feel the sap moving in the trees. I suppose I
entered into the "rythmn of communication" of nature. I remembered then
how rejecting I had been of this man all those years ago and how wise he
was. Drawing upon this sense of oneness, I went on to a business meeting
which was highly successful and satisfying on a personal, business and
intellectual basis.

Surely there is strength in such wisdom.

Met veel groeten,


Philip Pogson
Leadership Development Strategy Consultant
Staff Development Branch
University of Technology Sydney NSW 2007

ph: +61 2 9514 2934(w)
fax: +61 2 9514 2930(w)
ph/fax: +61 2 9809 5185 (h)
mobile: +61 0412 459156

"As a somewhat detached observer, I suspect that universities and colleges
are suffering - even today - more for want of ideas, and for vision to
liberate them to use ideas, than for want of money."

-Robert K. Greenleaf


Philip Pogson <ppogson@uts.edu.au>

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