Profit motive vs. LO LO23832

From: eric hatch (
Date: 01/25/00

Replying to LO23782 --

Re: Ben & Jerrys vs. Quaker approach

I suspect Ben & Jerry chose to refer to the "double bottom" line because
if you eat too much of their product, a double bottom is what you get!

As for doing well while (or by) doing good, it's matched for Friends with
a testimony for simplicity of lifestyle.

Eric Hatch, President
Hatch Organizational Consulting, Inc.
"Enabling Positive Change"

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Eric Hatch, President
Hatch Organizational Consulting, Inc.
"Enabling Positive Change"

You can call us at 1 800 586 1487 or 513 683 2265
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Loveland, OH 45140

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eric hatch <>

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