Professors in the 21st Century LO23835>

From: Philip Pogson (
Date: 01/26/00

Replying to LO23827 --

Dear Kumar,

Thanks for you post. I agree with the quote below from the text your
forwarded us:

>Something is missing from the discussion on how higher education should be
>changing to meet societal changes. The question which should be driving
>this debate is "what is the underlying philosophy of education and the
>learning experience?"

Some years ago Robert Greenleaf wrote:

"As a somewhat detached observer, I suspect that universities and colleges
are suffering - even today - more for want of ideas, and for vision to
liberate them to use ideas, than for want of money."

Universities need a powerful, new, motivating purpose, and I am afraid I
have heard, read or met few academics who are able to articulate such a
purpose. Those who attempt to do so are, in my experience, often shot
down by their own colleagues. The same fate frequently applies to
so-called "administrators" (Universities love this term and I have no idea
what it means) such as myself.

>From where shall the new vision come?


Philip Pogson
Leadership Development Strategy Consultant
Staff Development Branch
University of Technology Sydney NSW 2007

ph: +61 2 9514 2934(w)
fax: +61 2 9514 2930(w)
ph/fax: +61 2 9809 5185 (h)
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"As a somewhat detached observer, I suspect that universities and colleges
are suffering - even today - more for want of ideas, and for vision to
liberate them to use ideas, than for want of money."

-Robert K. Greenleaf


Philip Pogson <>

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