Replying to LO23830 --
Dear At
This area is a real interest of mine, at present I do not know of any
technology that can emulate biological intelligence. This means chatting
about linearity and and non-linearity and I am a bit bored with this
thread. If I understand what you mean by spontaneity is that naturally all
complex adaptive systems (CAS) close the gradients (genetics)
automatically, or move to the bottlenecks (business) to release the
tensions. Is this what what you mean? I have not heard of this term
before. Most of the textbooks I have read do not seem to mention this
term. However all CAS seem to exhibit "spontaneity" from anticipation of
future events.
AM de Lange wrote:
> Arun-Kumar Tripathi <> asks:
> >How Can Technology Emulate Biological Intelligence?
> Greetings Arun,
> I used to read a lot on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial Life
> (AL) and particpated in email lists on these topics. Surprisingly, very
> little thought in AI and AL is given to the issue of spontaneity. When I
> drew attention to this issue, it was as if I was speaking in San -- nobody
> could make out a word of what came form me.
--Gavin Ritz <garritz@XTRA.CO.NZ>
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