Replying to LO23859 --
I am not sure where the agendas lie when participants make the aspects (or
some aspects) of a learning organization a religion. Idolatry is
idolatry. When and where did this espoused theory (a framework) for
organizational effectiveness and achievement turn into a pursuit of
spiritual oneness and harmony with the "gods?"
-----Original Message-----
>From: AM de Lange []
>John Zavacki <> writes:
>>Both theory and practice, as well as entropy, learning,
>>thinking, are very well defined. What needs to be
>>understood here is that they need more and constant
>>explanation until someone hits on the simplest and most
>>elegant phrase. Then the theory will be well written.
>Let us assume that eventually "someone hits on the simplest and most
>elegant phrase". How will life be afterwards?
[...quote trimmed by your host...]
--"Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR" <>
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