Organizational Learning & Knowledge Management LO23877

From: Mark W. McElroy (
Date: 02/03/00

Replying to LO23821 --

Dear LO List Members:

I am pleased to report that Rick Karash has been kind enough to make space
on the LO server for three papers of mine which many of you have
requested during the course of this and other threads over the past few
months. Please feel free to download copies of these papers and use them as
you see fit:

The title and description of each paper, along with their respective URLs,
are provided below:

1. "Complexity's Killer App" - A paper which explains the relationship
between organizational learning and knowledge management, as well as the
profound relevance of complexity theory to both:

2. "Second-Generation Knowledge Management" - A paper recently published in
Knowledge Management Magazine which introduces a new brand of
KM that focuses on an OL-inspired approach to community-based knowledge
creation. This is KM's most compelling value proposition, which only its
2nd-generation form can fulfill:

3. "Double-Loop Knowledge Management" - A paper recently published in
Systems Thinker Newsletter which positions knowledge management as "an
implementation tool" for organizational learning:

As always, your comments and feedback on my models and ideas are most
welcome. Take care and thanks again.



Mark W. McElroy
Principal, IBM Knowledge Management Cons


"Mark W. McElroy" <>

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