Hello to all,
My name is Mark Cipants and I am currently an internal HR consultant with
the Australian Taxation Office. I stumbled over this mailing list a
couple of weeks ago and have been finding many of the comments made quite
enlightening, especially around organisational change issues.
One of the areas of importance when considering organisational change is
leadership. My particular task at present is to examine what might be
most effective ways to assess leadership for appraisal, selections and
also development purposes. I am presently researching current practices
and I would be interested in hearing from anyone who may have any
recommendations for particular tools or processes, or if anyone has any
good links to research articles published on the web or otherwise on this
Thanks for your help,
Mark Cipants
HR Consultant
Australian Taxation Office
Email: Mark.Cipants@ato.gov.au
--"Cipants, Mark" <Mark.Cipants@ato.gov.au>
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