I've updated my articles web site again, adding two that should be of
interest to many people on these lists. One is a review of the
Heriot-Watt distance learning MBA program. It appears in the commentary
section of this month's issue of Technology Source under the title of "Let
the Games Begin." The other is titled "Technology and the Future of
Higher Education" and it appeared in the Nov-Dec issue of Jossey-Bass's On
the Horizon. I've added links to both pieces under the General Interest
heading. Simply click on the link below to go there.
--Fred Nickols The Distance Consulting Company "Assistance at A Distance" http://home.att.net/~nickols/distance.htm nickols@worldnet.att.net (609) 490-0095
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>
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