Rhythm in Communication LO23938

From: Presser, Dennis (dennis.presser@dot.state.wi.us)
Date: 02/10/00

Replying to LO23901 --

>My clinical and research activity over the last 5 years has
>been in the area of EEG biofeedback. I've been finding that one can see
>patterns of brainwave behavior that represent quality of acceptance of
>information. The rhythm changes from a pattern wherein the dominant
>frequencies are more or less random to a more rigid and narrow range of
>frequencies. The rhytmicity is clearly lost when someone is blocked or
>overwhelmed or in some way negatively reactive to the flow of information
>they are receiving.

>Treating poeple with brain injuries and ADHD as well as other
>neurologically based disorders has shown quite reliable patterns in the
>EEG record that support the idea of rhythms being a key aspect of
>interpretation and intervention planning.

Are you aware of any research on brain wave rhythms during moments of
"flow," or the "aha!" when a new insight is gained?

Dennis Presser
Office of Policy and Budget Phone:(608)
Wisconsin Department of Transportation Fax: (608) 261-8626
4802 Sheboygan Ave., P.O. Box 7910
Madison, WI 53707-7910

There is nothing we have to do or achieve to find inner peace, joy and
fulfillment. All that is needed is to remove the layers of thought that
have kept it hidden.
        Peter Russell


"Presser, Dennis" <dennis.presser@dot.state.wi.us>

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