Leadership Assessment Tool LO23940

From: Robb Most (bobmost@msn.com)
Date: 02/10/00

Replying to LO23920 --

>Do any posters know how I can get my hands on a meaningful leadership
>assessment tool? Thank you one and all.
>Don Nardone

Mind Garden publishes I guess what you could call a "meaningful leadership
assessment tool" the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) is
probably the most validated leadership assessment that exists. You can
review information about it on our website www.mindgarden.com or if you
send me an email robbmost@mindgarden.com I will send you more information.
You are also welcome to call (650) 261-3500

I think you would find the MLQ to be very effective and reasonably priced.

An excellent article about the MLQ is in "Does the
Transactional-Transformational Leadership Paradigm Transcend
Organizational and National Boundaries? by Bernard M. Bass in American
Psychologist, February 1997.

Also available is a "train the trainer" binder (Training Full Range
Leadership) and a PowerPoint presentation and reproducable masters for
the exercises.

Further information about this model is at the Center for Leadership
Studies http://cls.binghamton.edu

I hope this is helpful
robb most
Robert Most, Ph.D.
Mind Garden, Inc.
1690 Woodside Rd., Suite 202
Redwood City, CA 94061 USA
(650) 261-3500 ph
(650) 261-3505 fax


"Robb Most" <bobmost@msn.com>

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