Organizational Learning & Knowledge Management LO23965

From: Ashley Woolmore (
Date: 02/12/90

Replying to LO23953 --

>AT says:
>> I think there is some misunderstanding here.
>> I did not say that knowledge gets depleted when tacit knowledge gets
>> "ARTICULATED". I said that the TACIT knowlegde gets depleted. Its like
>> drawing money from a certain account to do something with it.
>> That account
>> cannot have the same amount of money after the drawing.
>> (Sidetrack -- I have capitalised the "articulated" because to
>> me it means
>> expressing the tacit knowledge in ANY FORM. It can be in a natural
>> language, mathematical expressions, experiementation, music, or even
>> cooking. It is again this incredible thing of "transforming
>> content into
>> form". That is why I prefer to use "form"al knowledge for that which
>> emerge from tacit knowledge.)

One of the things that this correspondance triggered in my mind was the
relation with psychoanalysis.

One of the themes that seems to be present is that knowledge that is
tacit, perhaps unconscious, but with observable impact on behaviour - can
be 'converted' into conscious knowledge - explicit, through a process of
articulation. Through the analogies with 'stocks and flows' there seemed
to be a sense of loss, or that there was a deficit accrued through this
learning process.

The link with psychoanalysis is two fold. One, is that the general
premise with psycholoanalysis is that the identification and articulation
of unconscious 'knowledge' can have a curative effect - this process is
presumably irreversible. Second, is that there is a positive benefit for
this form of conversion. What is lost for the individual is there
emotional discomfort.


Ashley Woolmore.


"Ashley Woolmore" <>

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