Dear Terry Prieb and Fellow Learners,
There are not many days when I do not drive past the Jacqueline du Pre music
buildings in Oxford.
You night recall that she was a musical child prodigy and Cellist, there have
been a number of documentary programmes about her over the years and more
recently a film? Her life was tragically cut short, however her spirit no
doubt lives on through that place and through her recordings in many forms.
You spoke in a recent thread of 'joy' and linked it with work. Problems with
my 'system' here mean I am out of synchronisation with the threads right now,
however, can I offer you this anecdotal story.
Jacqueline was bouncing down a hallway at speed of light ~~~~~~~~~~~~ with
her cello in loving tow and laughing, as she always was, not just her
beautiful face but her entire body, you understand? A tutor remarked as she
flew past...¦ ' -Must have been a great tutorial Jacqueline?'
'Oh yes, it WILL be!"
Best wishes,
Andrew Campbell
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