spontaneous RESPECT LO23988

From: ACampnona@aol.com
Date: 02/17/00

Dear learners,

In the last week I have experienced two kinds of winds from the west, one
was cold and the other was warm.

I am not saying 'it' has to be that way.

Indeed for the benefit of the former and those who may feel aligned to
'knowing' over 'feeling' and not even realise the 'difference' that this
may assist them:-

' More and more, you will have this rhythm or strength as the power of
practice. If you practice hard you will be like a child. While we were
talking about SELF RESPECT a bird was singing outside. Peep-peep-peep.
That's self respect. It doesn't mean anything. Maybe he is just singing.
Maybe without trying to think he is just singing, peep-peep-peep. When WE
heard it we couldn't stop smiling. We cannot say that it is just a bird.
It controls the mountain, the whole world. THAT is SELF RESPECT.'

I am then not SAYING anything that is for the 'knowing'.

Suzuki Roshi, Teachings from Sandokai. Branching Streams Flow in the

' Wherever you go you have problems. -It is just a poem, or a bird, and
this is just my talk.' Ibid

Best wishes,

Andrew Campbell

PS Maybe this says a lot in a small space about rhythm, cognition, LO,
entropy PRODUCTION, human nature, birds, mountains, complexity and chaos
theory, theory and practice, holism, holiness, symbiosis and maybe it says
nothing at all.



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