Life long learning LO23996

From: Nick Heap (
Date: 02/18/00

Dear All,
I am working with some people in St Albans, Hertfordshire, Great Britain
to facilitate Life Long Learning. We want to have - "Citizens
collaborating in Life Long Learning" so they get more out of life. The
plan is to

    a.. Engage many people and organisations so we get wide commitment.

    b.. Identify partners to work with and clarify their roles and
relationships in the project.

    c.. Find out what is going on at present and map it.

    d.. Create an inclusive process that excludes no-one.

One major practical step is to set up a participative and fun conference
of interested organisations and citizens that will, in itself, be a
profound learning experience and raise energy for further work. Life long
learning is about encouraging and enabling people in a community to go on
leaning and growing throughout their lives. There are thousands of example
of initiatives on the web.
However, I would love to hear of examples or resources that you know
about, particularly those that excite and delight you. If you have
personal experience or ideas to share, that would be wonderful!
I will collect what I find and post it back to you.
Best wishes,
Nick Heap, and +44 1707 886553


"Nick Heap" <>

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