Replying to LO24005 --
Well Plato was never my cup of tea anyway. Archimedes or Pythagoras
It all depends what one wants doesn't it? Stagnation or
investigation,learning,exploration? As the Athenians sat and pondered
maintaining what they had there were other things going on elsewhere that
eventually changed also Athens...perhaps today's deisel fumes are one's
reward for that path.
Is an unchangable heaven a heaven?
Dear learners,
Does anyone reading and/or writing on this list feel willing and able to
enlighten me on the particular and/or general applicability of Plato's
'The Laws' to contemporary 'systems thinking' and Learning Organisations?
Why do I ask for particular fellowship in that learning?
There may be some chromatography in it for me.
Two ways both inducing FEAR in LEARNING.
Plato: If you control the way children play, and the same children always
play the same games under the same rules and in the same conditions, and
get pleasure from the same toys, you'll find the conventions of adult life
too are left in peace without alteration -- change, we shall find, except
in something evil, is extremely dangerous. [979 Laws].
John Henry Newsman: In a higher world it is otherwise; but here below to
live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.
--Judith Kyrala <Judith.Kyrala@NAU.EDU>
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