Objections to Learning Organization LO24037

From: Malcolm Burson (mburson@mint.net)
Date: 02/22/00

Replying to LO24015 --

At 11:34 AM 2/21/00 -0500, Rick wrote:

>What are the objections to
>the learning-organization approach to organizational improvement?

Adding to your list, Rick, I would add the following:

Intentionally choosing an L-O approach to improvement will require that
people throughout the organization actively accept the possibility that
their accustomed ways of thinking, believing, and behaving/acting might
have to change. Comfortable and familiar structures and systems that have
provided a safe haven for many people will also change, as will the
"usual" distribution of power, influence, and authority. For some
people, this will not be good news, and the organization and its
leadership will have to decide how best to respond to those who are not
willing to participate.

There's more, but that's a start. What do others think?

Malcolm Burson
Maine Department of Environmental Protection


Malcolm Burson mburson@mint.net

"I never saw an instance of one or two disputants convincing the other by argument." --- Th. Jefferson

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