Organizational Learning & Knowledge Management LO24045

Date: 02/24/00

Replying to LO24031 --

On 22 Feb 00, at 10:02, Hancy, William wrote:

> As far as I know, I possess all the "tacit knowledge" to ride a bicycle
> and downhill ski.

Here's another way of looking at it. You lack the tacit knowledge that
will allow YOU, as an individual to ride a bicycle. That's the issue. Once
you learned the problem you were able to apply new knowledge to
counter-act the problem for you (by going faster).

The generally applicable knowledge didn't enable you.

> It's a physical handicap that prevents me from
> measuring up to others with the same "level" of knowledge. But in reading
> your passage, it made me think about other "physical" entities for which
> I'm sure I have knowledge about, but cannot explain. At and yourself have
> talked of the transformations in chemistry from different perspectives.
> What about the beating of ones heart? I must contain the chemistry and
> neurology that allows my brain to control its beating, but do I require
> "knowledge" to make it function as well?

No, I don't believe so. It makes no sense to talk about knowlege where
there is no cognition involved. It IS interesting though that knowledge
can be acquired to allow modifying certain autonomic responses.

> If I do, where did I get this
> knowledge? Instinct? Is instinct considered "tacit" knowledge? When my
> heart stops beating, I'd sure like to possess the knowledge to get it
> started again!

No, it's not instinct. It's like saying that the sun "knows" how to rise
in the morning. Frankly, it just doesn' make sense. Or having to "know"
how to grow skin. Some things are just part of the nature of being alive.
Does the apple "know" how fast to fall from the tree?

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