how do we know whether an org is learning? LO24053

From: Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR (
Date: 02/24/00

Replying to LO24025 --

Quick reply for now.

If you are measuring "...the ability of organizational learning" you are
talking about readiness. A readiness judgement in this context can be
defined as a summative judgement (objective is best) about the probability
that the organization will be able to successfully perform the specific
task (goal or objective) when asked to. (See S. Robbins, Organization
Theory or the source he cites, J. Campbell, On the Nature of
Organizational Effectiveness.) "Capacity" is a term that can be a synonym
for readiness. To measure readiness you must have a preconceived idea of
the standard of performance.

To the question: "Are there any method(s) or tool(s) that can assess or
measure the ability of an organization to learn." The answer is yes.
1) See the paragraph above.
2) Others should give you more specifics. However, there are instruments out
there, both scientifically and intuitively designed for measuring an ability
to learn (readiness) and the level of transfer of learning.

"The measurement of the ability of an organization to cope with the
changing environment." Here we are discussing organization development and
change. Big area! Lots of study. Focus on literature dealing with
organization development and change.

>Every organization do kind of things related to learn. You know,holding
>meetings periodically,employee training, and building internal
>network-Intranet,GroupWare,BBS. Besides,as stated in "the living
>company",the decision itself is a learning process. But I am really
>wondering what is an really effective learning---promote not only
>single-loop but also double-loop learning.Are there any method or tool
>that can assess or measure the ability of an organizational learning. And
>also the measurement of the ability of an organization to cope with the
>changing environment. Thank you very much for any advise.


"Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR" <>

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