Leading the Learning Organization Through Management Practice LO24069

From: Bob Dunham (bdunham@enterprise-design.com)
Date: 02/25/00

Are you interested in the impact of management practice on the learning
organization? A new program drawing on language-action skills, the
practices of shifting our habitual behaviors, and the design of recurrent
management practices now addresses how to have people more effectively
coordinate their actions and produce the future they want. Learning is
put to work in design, creating action and value.

The program is Action In Management (AIM) offered by Enterprise Design.
You can learn more about the program at www.enterprise-design.com.

Based on the work of Maturana, Flores, Heckler, and others, new paradigms
make visible and operational what has been invisible in the conventional
common sense in the areas of: how we produce action and coordination in
communication, and how we can develop new capabilities through shifting
our bodies' habitual responses. These are the foundations for the design
of practices of leadership, management, and organizational coordination
that you are supported in taking directly into your work.

AIM participants include CEO's, executives, managers, and other
professionals leveraging their impact on organizations to a new level.
The program deals with the sources of waste and pain in organizational
life including distrust, overcommitment, lack of shared values, breakdowns
in teamwork, and meeting competitive challenges. AIM provides a
foundation for building stronger capabilities in leadership, teamwork,
project performance, satisfying customers, innovation, strategy, and

If you are interested in learning more about the AIM program write us at
aim@enterprise-design.com, call us at (925) 484-3515, or visit our website
at http://www.enterprise-design.com.

[Host's Note: I have seen Bob Dunham in action and believe that you'll
find this a first-class program. ..Rick]


Bob Dunham <bdunham@enterprise-design.com>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>

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