Replying to LO24048 --
Dear Winfried and Learners,
>>Strange that we do not see, until we see.
>Looking at the finger pointing to the moon. Impossible to see the moon for
>me. And seemingly the easiest for you seeing and pointing to the moon.
>Impossible and easy like riding bicycles or walking on two feet. How can
>something impossible be that easy? That's the miracle: that the impossible
>is so easy. STRANGE. Try harder little bird. You KNOW that FEELING.
>Nothing but a 'tumbled turning' is needed, just a tiny little metanoia.
>How can something easy be that impossible? Still searching for fingers to
>study, still trying to carry the world. Tacit love? The moons makes me see
>the finger...
>Liebe Gruesse,
- your finger then- on the end of each the 'swirl' of unique creation -
multiversa- <
Trace? The finger and the moon comes and goes according to attending - no
distinction between matter and void, finger < void > moon; in the void is the
'song' of creation of 'song' as creation; virtual particles appear in the
vacuumed void, 'proton' and 'antiproton' with 'pion' form out of 'nothing'
and disappear again into 'nothing'; The void is not 'empty' - it contains
unlimited number of particles without end, here, gone, and vanished without
end. In 'field theory' nothingness is the potentiality of everything. Capra
says this too; " These forms are not, in turn, independent physical entities,
but merely transient manifestations of the underlying Void. The vacuum is
truly a living Void, pulsating in endless rhythms of creation and
'There is no such thing as nothing.' (Corruption of Chang Tsai)
When Lao Tzu said, 'He who knows does not speak, He who speaks does not
know' I wonder if he pointed beyond 'science and knowing' to something
much better, purer and refined, something like Bohm's 'faster, finer form
of vision--' from versions to visions?
To be published soon in New Scientist. Random Reality. It may be that the
so-called material world could be created out of, I quote "NOTHING but
NOISE" and as we surmise, that means SILENCE.
"Destruction makes possible...."
Sometimes I am invited into the homes of people who have the good fortune
to have had the means to buy many books. There is something very nice
about a bookcase that is as big as a wall. I have no such collection. But.
About four years ago I was walking through Oxford on a Sunday afternoon
and saw for the first time an antiquarian bookshop, stuffed full of books.
So many dead trees. I wandered in. There must have been twenty thousand
books in that place. I walked round three different areas and my hand just
seemed to drop onto one nondescript paperback. I picked it up. These are
the words I read.
"Thirty years ago I was walking down a cold rainy street not knowing where
to go next. I was alone, emotionally and spiritually in exile. I turned to
a strange little bookshop to get out of the rain. -- Snip -- I saw a
little grey book with Chinese writing on the cover and an irresistible
voice spoke to me --Snip -- I experienced what it was to ask a book a
question and get a kind of answer that says, 'I see you. I am concerned
with your welfare. I care how you live and how you die."
I bought the book. Or, did it buy me? No matter. (ISBN 1-85230-701-3 The
Elements of the I Ching. Stephen Karcher
Most of what I write, say, read and listen for and to may be prefigured by
a 'question' of some sort. It may be tacit or not. When I bought that book
I think I must have done a deal between I and me. The fact is I cannot
afford to buy books. One can borrow from libraries, there are a few in
Oxford: - ) but I tend not to do that, figuring I don't need to and
another might. So the melody is this. I ask the question and the book
calls out the answer, ' I see you -- etc.' This happens so easily now that
all my anxieties have slipped away concerning the 'matter' of books.
I have done a 'little' work with 'high' people in organizations,
commercial and otherwise.
It is exceptionally rare for people to ask questions. Think about it.
I have just been reading about a 'succulent' that -- lives via 'windows',
underground. -- I tripped over it returning home after our morning walk.
First a detour.
Hsiao Kuo
_ _ the bird tries to fly and falls into a pit
_ _ pass your grandfather by and meet your grandmother
___ this plan will expose you to peril, all you can do is defend yourself
___ acting like this is not a mistake. You will meet the object of your desire
_ _ dense clouds roll in from the west, but rain has not arrived yet
_ _ you wont meet what you want by doing this, you will pass it by
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense -- does it?
Let's just 'skip' it!
But before that I need to recite two words, "SMALL exceeding".
Now we fly to the South of Africa to the home of At de Lange. Let us knock on
the doors of the deserts of Namaqualand, Nam - aqua - land.
What? WHACK! Ouch! small 'twiddle' to read, Man - aqua - land.
Knock, knock. No one there. Wait, I hear a tiny, tiny voice saying, "look, I
see you. I care about how you live and how you die --" I cast my eyes and
ears to the dirt and what do I find, a "Fenestraria".
I introduced myself and said, "Hello little plant, I could have stepped upon
you, you are almost invisible."
He was not at first that amicable.
"Well, Andrew, your kind (sic) seem to have been very busy these last two
hundred years stepping on most of my cousins around the globe."
I felt a little ashamed, and sought to reconcile the situation with some
"You must excuse my human cousins, they have many needs and wants and this
has a tendency to cloud their visions when in search of certain precision."
He told me about how his neighbour of similar species called out to him over
vast and unbelievable distances, speaking of living in 'glass houses'. I
explained to him what glass houses were. I explained simply, that they were
'artificial places' where succulents and other desert plants species for
example were taken to be seen and appreciated by humans while protected from
the alien environment of the temperate climates. (Desert climates can vary in
one day by and between 50 degrees Celsius!!!) He became agitated at the
thoughts. I passed on and over and I asked him to tell me more about himself.
" Well, you know my name is Fenestraria, but I am also called a 'window
plant' --"
I was going to mention Bill Gates, but thought I'd better not at this point.
He resumed,
" -- I practice a fine art of 'both/and', I sometimes get visited by a lone
human who wanders hither and thither muttering, 'LEM et CAS et LEP et al'
from whom I learned of your problems of -- either/or < both/and -- I think
he implies that... "
I asked the little chap to stick more to the point. He obliged.
" Andrew, I am condemned by the Creator to live 'out of doors'. And, like
you all I have to protect myself. So I became self buried into the ground and
so this became for me 'naturally indoors', this I did through endless
successions, almost eternal revolving that I heard him call 'small
adaptations'. By being buried for the most part I may secure life giving
properties, protection from excesses of heat and cold; from harsh light, that
by the by I have felt changing in hue recently, but I cannot figure why --"
I started to feel guilty, but kept a straight face.
"And from dehydration."
I said to the plant, "This seems a very difficult life to live buried so."
" No more so than yours. For I have a miracle that I am going to disclose to
you as a lesson in survival, for I sense that the desert approaches your
succulent species apace and you are not near ready for it. I am a green
species as you are a pink species. We green species need some light to live.
Not a lot, not concentrated in one small area, but ideally bright and mild
light distributed as evenly as possible."
I remarked, "Looking at you now I discern the clear tips of your stumpy
leaves protruding from the soil. How can you fulfil your desire this way, all
the light seems to fall in one place in direct contradiction to what you just
said. You are buried for 95% of your being?"
He replied " Yes, my form of growth does not seem in harmony with my
espousals does it, --" (Has this plant been reading Harvard Professors now?)
"--but I am still walking my talk through aeons of time. You see Andrew, my
tips, or windows I call them have no chlorophyll, they are absolutely
transparent like your glass houses. So the light does not burn them, but
rather passes through, practically undiminished to even more tissue like
glass. Through almost water like substance the suns ray's finally reach the
buried portions of the leaf walls that do contain the green colouring
substances and it is here, inside me, deep, that I transform light into
energy to live and express my essences. Not only this but complexly I
repeatedly 'reduce' the light, my 'windows' like yours ward away ultra violet
light, the light has been dispersed through the concentrated but diffusing
window to bathe me internally in inner light so I absorb it too, just as your
glass does."
Well, I thought I 'saw the light' of which he spoke, but I sought with my
'grasping hand' to make sure. This was my error in learning.
"So, may I say from what you tell me about yourself that you and the glass
houses of my fabricated culture and experience are similar or same in
He began weepingand he was inconsolable. I was terrified he would expire from
loss of life giving water. He suddenly became calmed as a bird flew overhead.
"Andrew, you have not seen the fundamental difference between your glass and
mine. I have adapt my necessities to the environment, you have adapted the
environment for your necessities, (that are K~~~~~~~~~not) "
Key words. SMALL exceeding, Hsiao Kuo, "Carefully adapt to each thing.
Keep your sense of purpose."
The 'hexagram' form I have applied above shows an inner limit restricting new
"--Above the mountain there is thunder. Don't be afraid to act alone. If you
have found something to trust you must move it. Through being very small you
can move beyond. When you are active, be excessively polite. When you are
mourning, be excessively compassionate. When you are paying, be excessively
frugal. Being small is pleasing to the spirits. Through it they will give you
success, effective power and the capacity to bring the situation to maturity.
Putting your ideas to the trial brings profit and insight. The flexible and
adaptive acquires the center. Small matters generate meaning and good
fortune, releasing transformative energy. What is strong and solid has lost
its central position. Great matters are not allowed. This is truly the symbol
of the flying bird who leaves a message behind, the above is not suitable,
the below is suitable. Don't go up, go down. This generates great good
fortune and meaningful events by releasing transformative energy. Above you
will be thwarted. Stay below. That yields results. -"
Skipping is a joyous method to move. A 'skip' is also a communal dust/bin.
When Alexander the Great was walking through some Greek landscape he wandered
off track to visit old Diogenes in his dustbin home :-) and he asked of the
sagely man, 'What may I do for you?' The sagely man asked that the Great
Alexander to simply remove himself from the sunlight that he was blocking.
When they collected all the worldly belongings of Mother Theresa prior to
her funeral I believe they placed her two saris and one washing
When the Nazis 'came' for the grand parents of Rabbi Hugo Grim his
grandmother had just time to choose what to collect together and hide for
future safekeeping. She chose of all their possessions the sacred symbolic
'materials' of their tradition and faith burying them under the soil for
safekeeping. Years later after they had perished in Auschwitz their
daughter found it, dug it up and her children continue to use them to this
Light has a way of knowing.
Set deep in darkness. LIGHTDARK <> SAME <>LIFE
One day I am going to learn about light and life from worms
My chosen teachers are both living and dead, 'darkbright'.
" It is the paradoxical combination of undermining and conserving - as
though, when it comes to worms, the conservation is in the undermining,
although neither thing is the worm's intention - that fires Darwin's
speculative imagination; and that is, indeed, a description of his work,
in it's effect if not its intention. Darwin is interested in how
destruction conserves life; and in the kind of life destruction makes
possible.' (Adam Phillips, Darwin's Worms ISBN 0-571-20003-6)
Best wishes,
Liebe Gruesse
Andrew Campbell
--[Host's Note: In assoc with, these links...
Stephen Karcher has several books about the I Ching; the one Andrew mentions is out of print, according to Amazon.
Darwin's Worms by Adam Phillips
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