Replying to LO24063 --
Andrew Cambell wrote:
>I recall the Dhali Lama once saying, 'Pity not to measure gross national
>happiness instead of gross national product : - )'
Which made me look at the wall behind me, where I have pinned a Calvin and
Hobbes cartoon (sorry for my poor translation):
Calvin (chewing chewing gum): I need to get a monitor for my heart beat
Hobbes: What for?
Calvin: To make sure that I chew close to my aerob power limit. I want to
observe how I can chew faster, stronger and longer every day.
Hobbes: What's the gain when you add to all what you do a number?
Calvin: The higher the numbers the more fun you have.
Hobbes: Once again science has saved the spirit.
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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