"Nouniness" LO24130

From: William Bradford Ward (w.ward@eudoramail.com)
Date: 03/07/00

Replying to LO24120 --

English, German, Persian, and a variety of Indo-European languages are
'noun' based where as Semitic languages such as Arabic are 'verb' based.
Arabs create new nouns out of verbs as the world changes while those
speaking English talk about 'accessing' something rather than gaining
access to something. English allows people to see things in stark black
and white and to come to solutions easily while a verbal language may
focus much more on process. I am not sure if this is why the Japanese
spend 90% of the time planning and Americans spend 90% of the time
'doing'. Is there any link between the fact that the US is one of the few
countries in the world without long term plans and the nature of our

>One of the delights of English is that nouns turn into adejectives when
>placed immediately in front of nouns. That is how we tell the difference
>between a "glass eye" and an "eye glass."

Bill Ward
Research Director
Arthritis Research Institute of America

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