"Nouniness" LO24202 Arrrgggghhh!

From: Eric Hatch (hocinc@earthlink.net)
Date: 03/19/00

Replying to LO24198 --

My simple observations have prompted a flood of semantic erudition!
Enough. This is about learning organizations, not the double-layer
structure of Sanskrit. Not that it isn't fun to read such posts, because
it is. Scholasticism still lives, and LO seems to be its natural home.
But let's stay focused on our organizations.

In English, if you work with groups and insist that they use active verbs
in their flipcharts and reports, their thinking processes will change for
the better.

For example, if instead of heading a flipchart "Ways We Can Improve
Organizational Learning," you title it "We can improve organizational
learning if we..." you will generate verbs and more relationship-centered

Best to all the contenders and savants.

Eric Hatch, President
Hatch Organizational Consulting, Inc.
"Enabling Positive Change"

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Eric Hatch <hocinc@earthlink.net>

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