Dear Learners,
At recently wrote in "On cells etc.," that,
>"This manifestation of the LO in spiritual evolution entails a
>serious problem. Trying to explain specifically the LO by
>spiritual evolution (the "metanoia" of Senge) can become
>like a dog biting its own tail. It will turn around in small circles,
>covering little ground. To escape such a vicious circle, the
>dog has to chase something else than its own tail. This thing
>to be chased must afford the dog the opportunity to run in
>ever increasing circles so that it eventually can cover all the
>ground providing the context for explaining the LO. Is there
>only one such thing which can be chased, or are there many
>things of which merely one need to be chased?
>I myself belief that there is only one thing which can be chased
>so that all the ground will be covered. However, as soon as I
>name this thing, the name becomes chased rather than the
>thing itself. Since the thing has many names depending from
>whatever point we view it, chasing a particular name is not the
>same as chasing the thing. One name which I can give to this
>thing to be chased is "deep creativity"."
At de Lange. On Cells and Learning Organisations
"[Truth is] the offspring of silence and unbroken meditation."
Sir Isaac Newton.
Keynes MS 130 (7)
I sat quietly for a while and then spung off from my perch.
"My dog Bu(c)ket" (Malay - 'small mountain'). -When he is of a particular
joyousness he tends to the long grass in the middle of the fields and
meadows; he then opens his jaws loosely, perhaps the better to collect and
drink the globules of water that are left on blades of grass by the dawn
air, then a twinkle appears in both eyes, glimmering. He arches then his
entire body, making of his spine like a 'hoop' and his head goes down as
if for the entire world he became a circle, wrapping his tail between his
hind legs. Suddenly he springs into furious action and tears around the
field in this direction, that direction and completely no direction at all
and so he is making virtual circles and arcs as he goes. I am told 'light'
and learning behaves in much the same way when taken with the joy to
perambulation. My 'theory' is that "Bucket" in these moments beholds a
great truth. But I have another theory, should that one fail which is
this, that a greater truth beholds "Bucket".
Now you might think this virtual space is not a 'fitting' place for such a
'theory', or vice-versa. But reality is a mighty strange thing.
"The changing of bodies into light, and light into bodies, is very
comfortable to the course of Nature, which seems delighted with
Sir Isaac Newton. Opticks or A Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions,
Inflections and Colours of Light, Book III, pt 1 Query 30 (London 1706)
Maybe the description of 'things' in the world is like eating from a bowl of
old candy; you pick up just the one piece you desire and then all the other
bits come with it, even the bowl. (R.Rucker)
"He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha; and he smelleth the battle afar off,
the thunder of the captains, and the shouting." Job 39:25
Pilate said to him, "So you are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say that I am a
king. For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear
witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice." Pilate
said to him, "What is truth?" John 18 (37-38)
Truth leads always to logical difficulties like the 'liar paradox' or the
'paradox of Epimenides', who lived in Crete before the time of Jesus. St.
Paul is supposed to have said of this one Cretan among many Cretans, "One of
themselves, a prophet of their own said, 'Cretans are always liars, evil
beasts, and lazy gluttons.' This testimony is true." Epistle to Titus 1
The point is the paradox. If what Epimenides is saying is true, then he is
lying. Ironically Paul adds, "This testimony is true!"
" It is believed by most that time passes; in actual fact, it stays where it
This idea of passing may be called time, but it is an incorrect idea, for
since one sees it only as passing, one cannot understand that it stays
just where it is."
A distinguished disciple of the famous logician and mathematician Godel
recounts a dream. " I dreamed I was at his bedside, there was a chessboard
on the covers (of his bed) in front of him, Godel reached out his hand and
knocked over the board, tipping the men onto the floor. The chessboard
expanded to an infinite mathematical plane. And then that too vanished.
There was a brief play of symbols, then emptiness -- an emptiness flooded
with even white light. The next day I learned that Kurt Godel was dead."
Rational thought can never penetrate to the final, ultimate truth. Godel's
'Incompleteness Theorem' demonstrated that if even something as 'simple'
as 'number theory' cannot be understood correctly and completely by
mathematicians, "-then it is too much to hope that scientists will ever
expose any ultimate secret of the universe." R. Rucker.
In recollection of Godel, this: "If there is one single thing I remember
most, it is his laughter. His voice has a high, singsong quality. He
frequently raised his voice toward the end of his sentences, giving his
utterances a questioning incredulity, and often he would let his voice
trail off into an amused hum. And, above all, there were his bursts of
completely rhythmic laughter."
Leo, in winter he was often to be seen leaving the Institute with a scarf
wrapped around his head. "Conversations with him felt like telepathy." Shhh
;-)< << <<< <<<< <<<<< "These were years of his ever deepening
He liked to walk with a Mr. Einstein and so (sew) 'a little talking they
would do.' He and Mr. Einstein like to 'walk the talk' a little with Mr.
Emmanuel Kant. Put most succinctly, " The passage of time is an illusion. The
past, the present and future of the universe are just different regions of a
single vast space-time. Time is part of space-time, but space-time is a
higher reality existing OUTSIDE of TIME."
Modern mathematical theory cannot decide 'Cantor's Continuum Problem',
formalists would say it has no definite answer. For Godel this meant
'nothing' more than : - ) we have, '-not yet looked at the continuum hard
enough', to see what the answer is. For Godel there was this 'other relation
to reality', by which one could even see, directly, mathematical objects.
This comes about because the same possibilities of thought are open to
Possibility is 'observer independent' and 'real' thereby because it is not
subject to our individual will.
Tell me Mr Godel three things so that I will believe you!
-First close off the other senses, lie down in a quiet place, but this action
is not to be taken as negative, one must all the while seek actively with the
Second, do not let everyday reality condition possibility, only imagining
combinations and permutations of physical objects -- the mind is capable of
perceiving infinite SETS.
Third, to know that the ultimate goal of such thought and philosophy, is the
perception of the absolute.
Mr. Einstein, Mr. Godel and Mr. Sir Isaac Newton were all mystics. The
central teaching of mysticism is, Reality is One.
'Mr. Godel, is there a single Mind behind all the various appearances and
activities of the world?'
'Is that mind everywhere as opposed to being localized in the brains of
individual persons?'
'Of course.'
Then there is some talk of 'set' theory.
' Mr. Godel, What causes the illusion of the passage of time?'
He pointed to the question of what was meant by the question.
'Relate if you will the getting rid of the belief in the passage of time to
the struggle to experience the One Mind of mysticism -- The illusion of the
passage of time arises from the confusing of the given with the real. Passage
of time arises because we think of occupying different realities. In fact, we
occupy only different givens. There is only<ONLY>One reality.'
"Chance favours <ONLY> the prepared mind." Louis Pasteur
Few people can really 'run with wolves', and so some dream to 'train' them.
Maybe Rick K. in the mountains of North America and At de Lange with the
'wild dogs' of the desert, and others too who sit in the silent wilderness';
differingly sense that deeply.
But, you would have to 'break' a wolf to 'make' a wolf and then you would
have a 'lap dog'.
A lesson in 'social cognition' aka some 'forms' of learning? Make up your own
mind! "A wolf that researchers could not train to sit on command learned to
manipulate a complicated door latch simply by watching another wolf open it;
whereas trained dogs could never master the operation even after years of the
same 'training'. - [a conclusion was from this and other research that]:
Domesticated dogs have co-evolved with us such that too much obedience has
diminished cognitive ability considerably, especially problem solving.
Insight capacity is diminished through detachment from the consequences of
their actions." (Research by Harry Frank, University of Michigan-Flint c1980)
However, -
" While dogs are probably not 'self aware' they can perceive when another
person or dog is in danger and empathize with the emotional state of people
who are sad or ill." - " (I would) go so far as to compare canine attachment
with human love - empathy incarnate." - " (I believe) dogs could teach us a
thing or two about love, and indeed, may already have done so."
(Prof. V. Csanyi at Budapest and J Masson)
Bucket's 'joy' is in and through his becoming/being 'off' the leash. On it he
might strangle himself.
What is true?
That is true.
Best wishes,
Andrew Campbell
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