To become or not to become. LO24255

From: Leo Minnigh (
Date: 03/28/00

Replying to LO24245 --

Dear LO'ers, dear At and Winfried,

At and Winfried have focussed in some contributions on a question that At
had posed in LO24208:

>Trying as hard as I can, I am not able to reason formally and explicitly
>that the knowledge K is intensive and the information I is extensive. I
>can only offer my intuition that it is the case. Hence the expression
>[K(2) - K(1)] x /_\I signifies APPARENTLY an entropic force-flux pair. If
>my intuition is wrong, then it will not be the case.

Although my mind is somewhat in turbulence these days, so concentration
and understanding is somewhat shaky, I think that At was close to the
target but just missed it.
The differences between knowledge (K) en information (I) are not that
great. Even with the rich definition of K as is used by At (and others,
including me), there are too much similarities with I, that one cannot
split them in intensive and extensive.
I think both, K and I are extensive. The trouble with both is that
according to my understanding, they live in two different worlds: outside
and inside one's head. That makes it impossible to join them in one

I think the question could be solved when we take knowledge (K) as an
extensive parameter, and wisdom (W) as intensive. They are both living in
the same world, e.g. in one's head (or better, body). In this case we
could easily understand that wisdom is a conditional parameter that cannot
be fractionised, whereas knowledge could.
Think of two persons which have a certain level of wisdom and one with
half of the knowledge as the other.

I hope that this new light will help to further dialoguing on this
interesting topic.

dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
        Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.


Leo Minnigh <>

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