Replying to LO24252 --
Dear Organlearners,
Perry Kinkaide <> writes:
>To combine purpose with learning is to:
>3. Promote prosperity in its broadest sense based on learning
>and that recognize the devaluation of knowledge as it is
>commoditized and elevating the relevance of vision and values
>in leading, that knowledge has been the domain of controlling
>professionals who have helped us value education, health and
>government as we (citizens) embrace learning, wellness and
Greetings Perry,
Thank you for connecting "care" with "learning". It was this very
connection in many places in Europe during the turn of the 13th century
which led to the Renaissance during the turn of the 14th century.
I almost wrote that I like the phrase "the devaluation of knowledge as it
is commoditized" because it is so true. But because it is so true, this
phrase also makes me sad .
The "devaluation of knowledge" means making knowledge less valuable. How
can this be done? Can it be estimated? To answer these two questions we
need to know what the "value of knowledge" is. I would love to observe a
LO-dialogue on the topic "The value of knowledge". But it will make me sad
should the connection between "care" and "learning" get lost.
Let me act Socratic. I have ten questions which we can think about. I hope
that trying to answer them will set your minds meandering, if not
(1) Will learning have any purpose if we know that its outcome
knowledge has no value?
(2) Is "knowledge" and the "value of knowledge" not one and
the same thing?
(3) Does knowledge have its own value or is its value that it is
sustained by learning?
(4) Do we learn to increase our knowledge or to increase the
value of our knowledge?
(5) Does the value of knowledge have anything to do with the
form (patterns) in its information?
(6) Can the use (application) of knowledge decrease the value
of knowledge?
(7) How much value does knowledge have if it is disconnected
from caring love?
(8) Can creativity increase the value of knowledge?
(9) What role do LOs play in addition to Learning Individuals
so as to increase the value of knowledge
(10) Is the value of knowledge not that it is an intensive
(scaling invariant) property of a person?
Perry, you also write as fourth goal (to give purpose to learning)
>4. Connect with "like-minded" others - on a global scale.
Again it reminds me very much of the century before the Renaissance. Many
people began to wander all over Europe. Some gave external purpose to it
like in the crusades or trade between nations. But the more I read about
the meanderings of persons during this century, the more I get astounded
by their inner motivation to find a teacher who can help them to learn.
Perry, I am beginning to think more and more like Pasteur. We do not need
a Renaissance, but the century before it. Without preparation there will
be no Renaissance, or as you call it "a new-age commitment to continuous
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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