The tortoise and the hare LO24326

From: Nancy Kristiansen (
Date: 04/09/00

It appears that I have once again stumbled on an age old dilemma (the
tortoise and the hare) within yet another organization. The link between
organizational performance and individual performance is elusive, but
nonetheless detectable. The dilemma I am speaking of concerns quantity
vs. quality. In a manufacturing environment, for instance, there is the
constant push to ship-on-time which undermines the organizations'
seemingly time-consuming efforts to ensure that quality products are
shipped. There seems to me to be a relationship between the perceptions
of individuals of what constitutes "a job well done" (expectations) and
organizational relationships (structure) of these individuals. Ultimately,
the efforts of those who believe their performance is evaluated based on
their ability to "move product" will be undermined by those who believe
that they are responsible for the quality of the product. Does anyone
have practical experience in transforming an organization's approach to
measuring performance that aligns the two metrics, quality and quantity?

Thank you in advance,
Nancy Kristiansen


"Nancy Kristiansen" <>

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