Replying to LO24385 --
Reply to Andrew
> Dear Andrew
What you say is very true and I am a fan of Melanie Klein and her models,
what I would like to share with you is firstly
At and I have very different values, there will be those that agree with
me because they have similar values that's how we build rapport is it not)
and those that agree with At, that is what it's all about differences and
understanding differences. Actually I don't have too much problem with
some of the theory but heavens its not the only one. You know that as an
NLPer, that map is not the territory.
Science is about proving a model false though rigorous testing as Deming
said some models are useful other are not.
Secondly I was testing my model which was what I called a blind
experiment. About some of what you mention in your message. Actually I am
pretty calm really, I do plenty of visualization and relaxation
techniques. I really don't have too much attachment to some of those
Thanks for the advice
--Gavin Ritz <>
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