Replying to LO24619 --
>These {} pairs and many others (unprisoned from this T-F game) are not
>thinking is Cool, at least for me. Feeling can sometimes become Hot, at
> least for me. Thus, all in between is "all in between".
> Sejeela called our attention to two interesting books: "Women't Way's of
> Knowing" and "Knowledge, Difference, and Power". Both books unveil various
>ways of knowing and of learning and classify them as "Women's Ways". Pity.
>It is not always so bisected, and it certainly shouldn't be - as Sejeela
> pointed out: gender related but not gender specific.
> But ... when i further read your message (At) or browse in recent
> contributions to this list ... i witness (eye-witness) a new positive,
> open and creative stream of "Ways of Learning" ... "all in between".
> keep the flow,
> Judy Tal >>
Dear At and Judy ,
"Heaven's net is wide;
Coarse are the meshes, yet nothing slips through."
'Because it is called...¦..' Lao Tzu once wrote.
Because the hand, because the eye and because the ear.
Dearest All,
Tao may mean God according to the Jesuits, it may mean 'Providence' as in
Creation and it may mean "meaning" according to Richard Wilhelm. [That is an
according according according with me.]
The Secrets of the Golden Flower (6th Imp. 1945) and also Chinesische
Lebensweit. (Darmstadt, 1922).
It (Tao) also, '-covers the ten thousand things like a garment, but does not
claim to be master over them.'
-and in this it may mean "nothing". Its relation is simply as organizing
principle. Described by Wilhelm as being ,' a borderline conception lying at
the extreme (h;)edge of the world of appearances.'
When yes and no entered Tao departed. de~~~~~~~~~parted. Faded. (Italicised)
Then accepting this; if we choose, we may be free to 'think upon the whole'
(Marcel Granet La Pensee chinoise) In this phraseology of phaseaology;-)
ordinary conversation is transformed in a way that a straightforward
question, however precise evokes an unexpectedly elaborate answer, as though
one has asked him or her for a blade of grass and got the whole meadow in
return. (Jung)
Let me a little joining do.
"There is one common flow, one common breathing, all things are in sympathy.
The whole organism and each one of its parts are working in conjunction for
the same purpose....the great principle extends to the extremest part, and
from the extremest part it returns to the great principle, to the one nature,
being and nothing."
(De alimento. Ascribed to, Hippocrates on Diet and Hygene.)
'Knowing the male but keeping the female, one becomes a universal stream."
Lao Tzu
My questions are these,
Who can enter the forest without disturbing the grass?
Who can enter the water without raising a ripple?
What use is clay without the penetrating void?
Best both/and,
Andrew Campbell
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