Why a Learning Organisation LO24703

From: Strategic Environmental Management (semgt@zip.com.au)
Date: 05/27/00

I have come late to learning organisations. I worked through environmental
management tools to environmental management systems and the bigger
picture. The need for sustainability and the balance between
environmental, social and economic issues in organisations and society
appeared clear to me. The methods to reach sustainability which I was
preaching turn out to be those of the learning organisation. It appears
that to achieve a sustainable world our organisations must be learning
organisations. Conversely if our organisations are learning organisations
the end product must be a sustainable world.

[Host's Note: In 1994, we had a long thread on the question "Why a
Learning Organization?" I created a composite of the answers which is at
http://world.std.com/~lo/WhyLO.html and left an open invitation to add
additional contributions, as this one. ...Rick]


Strategic Environmental Management <semgt@zip.com.au>

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