Replying to LO24723 --
Shalom At,
I must (MUST) say I had a special joy to follow your logical articulation
on matters outside the "domain of logic" - I wonder what would good old
Kurt say...;-D
My reply however will reflect only on the second part of your message (off
you wrote:
>I do believe that God has handed incredible control over to humankind in
>terms of "human creativity" provided it follows the road of "authentic
>learning" and beyond. Obviously, following "authentic learning"
>(consisting of digestive and emergent learning) is also "rote learning"
>which first copied the digestive phase taking many millenia and which is
>now copying the emergent phase too, but much faster. Whereas "authentic
>learning" by virtue of its seventh-fold form leads to ultimately
>unconditional love, what will "rote learning" lead to? Was the tragic
>incidents at Hiroshima and Nagasaki only accidents and not precedents of
>much greater catastropic accidents which may come? I believe NO -- on one
>condition, as long as there are evil intent in the hearts of humans. My
>experiences tell me that this condition is true and my experiences tell me
>that some humans can ban evil from their hearts.
I'll just say, in advance, that in the following lines I'm going to
express my personal ideas on which I'm taking full responsibility - and
even if my language may become sometimes laconic and strict, it is only
because of my own disabilities in writing down such insights in English -
Please bear with me, Sajeela.
Let's imagine the day when ALL humans will ban evil from their hearts.
That day, the set - {evil in heart} will be empty. What will then become
of the set - {true in heart}? What will one gain by belonging to this set?
How would one distinguish himself in such a set?
I am trying to practice an attitude of accepting the evil in heart - it
seems to me consistent with Wittgenstein's articulation, and has roots in
Martin Bubber's writing as well as in Zen Buddhism. I'm not preaching here
any religion (I myself am an atheist - although in my country, atheism is
becoming a religion ;-) ), but trying to share a personal experience, that
proves to be of much comfort and benefit for me in my relationship with
It might just be, that I'm rephrasing your ideas, and that I failed to
understand the meditation you described. I feel somehow that it is about
the same in practice - even if from different motives. Once you give "it"
a name (you re-cognize it) - it will vanish. Just like the Snark.
>The problem with religions is that they have taken a fundamentalistic
>stance on this condition -- that only a specific religion has the power to
>ban evil from the heart.
I have to stand up and give "my religion"'s interpretation on the stories
of the Old Testament - I believe that these stories are moral stories, and
the rituals that are described in them are part of the story. The rituals
in the ancient stories were kind of reminders (no literacy, no books, no
TV and no PO-public opinion) of moral standards at those times (each and
every of them can be explained). Hope you believe me, not to have
judgmental stand against those who chose to obey these rituals as designed
and specified for the sake of that ancient story.
There's no evil in the Old Testament - There are rules and punishments for
not obeying them (full knowledge game - fair enough). The stories reveal
with a loving and caring eye, the nature of mankind, the drives and the
motives - that are built in the system to give validity to the rules
(friction in mechanics, Jan?). The stories are examples of various
interpretations and implementations (case studies) to be learned and
When I read the rest of your mail, again I feel a kind of disagreement
with the term "ban". I really can't tell, would you please explain?
>I believe that every human can, but not necessarily will, ban this evil
>from the heart. Thus we need the knowledge how to do it. This good
>knowledge will come, if it not already has came, through "authentic
>learning" so that information on it soon will be copied by "rote
>learning". That will be fatal because one person's must is not another
>person's must. When I claim "Humankind itself MUST prevent the next
>catastrophe of a scale at least that of the Great Deluge", others will
>claim other musts. In the mean while, by the very "arrow of time" some
>humans are unleashing forces never experienced before. Some hundred and
>fifty years ago it was the force in the pole of a magnet. Some hundred
>years ago it was the force in the kernels of a molecule. Some fifty years
>ago it was the force inside the nucleus of an atom. Now it is close to the
>force inside the nucleus of an eukaryotic cell.
Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294
--Judy Tal <>
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