Knowledge communities LO24779

From: Grey, Denham C. (
Date: 06/06/00

There seems to be a convergence between KM and LO around Communities of
practice and their more intentional analogs such as centers of excellence
and knowledge communities.

Lots of stuff on the web and in print singing praises, details of
strategies and structures but very little about the actual practices
followed in these communities.

I'm interested to hear what goes on inside the winning communities:

1) Do they make intentional distinctions and work with
2) Are pattern languages working for them?
3) How exactly do they balance awareness with problem
solving and local learning?
4) What role does repository building play in their vitality,
utility and energy?
5) How do they manage boundaries and communication
to the outside?
6) What is done to build alignment and where do ontologies

There is great interest in knowledge communities from the pundits of
social learning, from the accountants of intellectual capital and from the
brand managers touting excellence.


[Host's Note: Hello, Denham! ..Rick]


"Grey, Denham C." <>

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