Boisot on knowledge management LO24789

From: Roy Greenhalgh (
Date: 06/07/00

Replying to LO24781 --


Thanks for this review .. and for your time in digesting what is a most
difficult book. Dave Snowden, IBM's Knowledge guru considers it one of
a very small number of "must reads".

I have struggled with it .. numerous times. Perhaps having a well laid
out map of the book will aid me to complete it!


Roy Greenhalgh


Bill Godfrey wrote:

> I have been deeply impressed by the analytical framework that Boisot
> offers in his 1998 book Knowledge Assets. It links knowledge management,
> strategies for obtaining value from knowledge assets, learning strategies
> and economic theory in a well integrated analytical 'architecture'. I
> believe that it is directly useful for practical management, but fully
> understanding the framework requires a bit of effort.
> I have prepared a detailed review and fairly extended summary of the book
> and have put it in the 'open' area of the BookWatch site (no password
> required). It will remain there for a month. (If you want to see other
> reviews and summaries, a free trial subscription is available from the
> home page
> For those interested, the direct link is:
> Bill Godfrey <>


Roy Greenhalgh <>

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