Replying to LO24759 --
I have lurked on this list for about two years and would probably have
continued to lurk, even now, but for the encouragement of an off list
message (thank you Lana). I originally subscribed to get some practical
help with LO "stuff" when I became involved in an organizational change
project. I soon found that the wealth of experience out there and the
quality of contributions were not only practically helpful but simply
inspiring and encouraging. Change of any sort is tough and I have found
the LO list to be a way of recharging the batteries and re-evaluating and
reminding myself of a vision of the way ahead. I have really struggled
with some of the deeper posts, however. My difficulties have been both in
terms of time to read them and my lack of basic understanding/
intelligence/ education. Although I have not grasped the whole meaning
behind these posts, I can intuitively tell from the style, words and the
responses that people like At and Andrew have much to offer. I also
suspect that At, in particular, gets fulfilment from passing on his
knowledge and wisdom to others. I believe that Rick's intervention was
necessary but I feel for At and hope he is not too hurt. I would like to
suggest a middle road and a challenge to At and others. Please stay with
us on the list, but attempt to make, at least some of your postings, more
accessible in terms of language and size to more of us.
I feel better now - back to lurking. ;-)
--Graham Fletcher <>
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