Replying to LO24831 --
Jim Ross & LO Colleagues -
Two "large group" strategies that work are future search conference tools
and GE's "workout," sometimes called "town meetings."
Maybe suggest to your seniors, who are perhaps "messiness averse" (wonder
if they have parented small children!?) to open up the system, listen to
"the members of the company" and walk their talk. Good luck....!
Dick Webster
Richard S. Webster, Ph.D. - President
Personal Resources Management Institute (PRMI)
709 Wesley Court - The Village Green - Worthington, OH 43085-3558
eMail <>, tel 614-433-7144, fax 614-433-71-88
The Institute's R&D projects address the paradigm shift from "training,
instruction and teaching" to "learning." Key resources include
"Organizational learning," becoming a "learning organization" (OL/LO)
and "Action Learning" (AL). OL/LO and AL work for those seeking
"high-performance," including
continual improvement of enterprise, "better" leadership, systems,
processes, ideas and quality; more effective use of information and
knowledge; improved productivity by
company members, work groups and teams -- with improved results. PRMI is a
non-profit (501-c-3) enterprise founded in 1978, offering research,
development and consulting services.
"Things are getting better and better, and worse and worse, faster and
faster" a wise futurist reminds us. A challenge is to find and build
the "betters," in time. Idea: try learning -- each person's
responsibility and opportunity, with support and encouragement from all
leaders, other company members and the organization.
- - -
Century -New wrote:
> Just last week the area I work for announced another reorganization.
> Although, it was quickly pointed out this wasn't to be "like" the
> company-wide reorganization we went through several years back, the
> perception of reality of most employees is that it is. As a titled leader,
> I'm now in the position of having to explain something that I don't
> understand, wasn't a part of in any meaningful sense, and which I have
> some fundamental problems with.
--Richard Webster <>
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