Replying to LO24854 --
At wrote:
>I have deep empathy for the many fellow learners who want simple and
>concise contributions to the LO-dialogue. They do what almost every cell
>(except the white blood cells) in our bodies do -- to be open for simple
>things and otherwise to be closed for complex things.
At, this quote is pulled out of context but did catch my attention. It
seems to assume that I want or need all the synthesis to happen in a
single post. Is there not room for me to collect a series of simple things
and perform some synthesis on my own?
You refer to mental models; as I read through many posts (from all
contributors) each one, including the very complex, still have their own
embedded mental model. If I accept your premise (as I understand it), it
seems that I could collect a number of mental model "options", choose to
change my own mental model to match one different from where I started,
but still not synthesize so that my own transformation from within takes
place. This seems to be antithetical to suspending mental models to gain
insight and synthesize.
Could you expand on this?
The Health Systems Group
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