Our LO Dialogue Here LO24867

From: Bill Harris (bill_harris@facilitatedsystems.com)
Date: 06/14/00

Replying to LO24837 --

> Bill wrote, in part:
I know the software does this (at least usually), but I'd propose a
small process improvement to large lists such as this: if we're quoting
Bill, we add at least the first initial of the last name. :-) I'm sure
you can appreciate this, Bill. (signed) Bill :-)

(Actually, when you just say "Bill," it's clear from the context. It's
those kudos or brickbats from others where I sometimes have to search to
see if it's my turn to duck or yours.)

So, Bill Braun wrote:
> The scene you set here has us all as participants (from the active
> [talkers] to the inactive [non-talkers]). Can I think of myself as a
> member of the audience, in the same fashion that I learn from a book or
> watch a documentary or listen to a public forum (a school board meeting
> for example)? I may wish to soak in ideas and information, with no
> particular response contemplated or desired at the time.

You raise a good point. As I began to reflect on this group, I viewed it
as an inperson, facilitated meeting operating under some of the rules of
USENET. You propose another viable view--that of an auditorium with an

Maybe that's part of the confusion--differing paradigms.

Bill H.

Bill Harris                                  3217 102nd Place SE
Facilitated Systems                          Everett, WA 98208 USA
http://facilitatedsystems.com/               phone: +1 425 337-5541

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