The 'art co-efficient' of Marcel Duchamp and Senge LO24869

From: Sajeela M ramsey (
Date: 06/14/00

Replying to LO24861 --

Dear Ray and Co-learners

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 02:12:44 -0400 "Ray E. Harrell" <>

> Well, Sajeela, that is what makes a horse race.

Without knowing/understanding what you are meaning by this statement, I
would say it feels proscriptive and perhaps even patronizing somehow...but
I am not sure....other then the fact that you did begin your post with
this me thinks it is a rebuttal. In any case, I agree with
you whole heartedly that :

> a genuine "aha" takes a long time. The quick ones
> never last. I have often wondered why the world comes out so
> often on the other side from the perceived wisdom on a work of
> art. Frankly people have a rather miserable record at deciding
> what is and is not beautiful in the long run. Carmen for example
> was considered gross, ugly and derivative at its premiere with
> people totally unwilling to accept the humanity of a Gypsy
> woman and the inhumanity of a minor aristocrat who kills her.
> I prefer to walk around in the universe of a work for a while before
> I decide about its beauty. Giving it time is what makes it a
> synergy and meeting it with my whole existence (snip)

Beautifully stated! My criteria for something truly Soulful:

Things that are ssssllllloooowww, long-in-coming, betrayal, depressive,
toiling, painful, deeply reflective, socially marginal, saturnian, dark,
mysterious....and, laughter is so close to tears, that I must include here
mania as well, and humor, puns, gossip, the mundane everyday
world....things that are shocking, socially unacceptable, or things that
threaten our world view and give us an opportunity to engage in
second-loop learning that leads to what I refer to as "Tertiary Wisdom"
(Ramsey, 1998), a particular form or non-linear tacit intuitive knowing.

You go on to say Ray:
> As I get older, I find myself being moved more easily as my memory
>hooks up with someone's ideas. That is wonderful for me and healing but
>in the ultimate scheme of things does not rise above an exotic

Again, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this, but the words exotic
entertainment seem to harken back to the masturbatorial thing....something
like mental masturbation, where you get a kick out of something but it may
not be really healing for you in the long run because it is not
authentically connecting with another. Or something like that. I am
puzzled by the healing bit....doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of what
you are saying in that passage. What does come through for me is that
something is missing for you, some soul-satisfying experience is
missing...and that it seems like you are removed from the actual
experience because it is only your memory connecting...almost like an
amnesia. Anyway, so much for that mental model super-imposed over yours!

I must say I often have more interest in your and Andrew's postings. It's
the artist thing I guess. No matter what vocation I pursue, OD Cultural
Generalist or whatever, I always know deep down inside I am an artist
first and foremost, because for me it is a way of being.

Cleansing rains,


PS --- Wow! A founding member of the Wolf Trap Company in Vienna ----
great facility! So you've lived in this area (that is the greater
Washington, DC metropolitan complex) --- sometimes my friends and I refer
to WDC as a "spiritual hardship post" ---- it'a a strange place in many
ways. Some day I shall move back to my beloved Northwest Coast and all of
this political self-importance will be just a vague recollection.
Sajeela Moskowitz Ramsey, President - CORE Consulting
Center for Organizational Renewal and Effectiveness
2432 Villanova Drive/Vienna, VA. 22180
703 573 7050/ SajeelaCore


Sajeela M ramsey <>

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