Replying to LO24759 --
In a message dated 00-06-05 23:10:08 EDT, you write:
> ** Now, please reply to this message with any comments **
> ** on our dialogue, my assessments or my planned actions! **
Rick --
I welcome your re-assessment of the state of this space. I only spot-read
some of the messages so I can't comment on the "general feel" of all the
"dialogue" that occurs here; but it sounds like some reminders about
principles of dialogue as it occurs face-to-face is beneficial. Given the
volume and length of contributions, for example, I personally would have a
challenge recognizing the principle of "respect for silence". Of course
there are differences between live and online dialogue due to the nature
of the container; but it's worth simply asking "what's going on here?", as
you've done. Certainly a legitimate query from a host, or "facilitator,"
as you are.
I hope the content will experience enrichment, not dilution, as a result.
Dave Kennebeck, MOLN Chicago
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