Replying to LO24851 --
Yes, The theory/model that seems to be all encompassing is Jack Mezirow's
model. How one learns depends upon one's "meaning perspective," one's
accumulation of learnings ... i.e. what has worked and not worked for the
individual. How you see the world delineates, limits and delimits, what
you learn. If you do not 'see' something you cannot really learn it,
according to Mezirow. My suggestion would be that you search the internet
with Jack's name and you'll find plenty.
A learning buddy,
>I am doing research on learning process especially in construction
>industry. Therefore, I need any infomation related to this topic. Could
>anybody share any opinion, infomation, discussion papers or any website
>address where I could find the following topic:
>1 . Basic learning concepts / model
>2. any scientific concepts / model
--"Richer, Robert A SBCCOM" <robert.richer@SBCCOM.APGEA.ARMY.MIL>
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